Friday, November 7, 2008

ComicLife Project

So far this was the easiest assign for me. I think we could use this to promote subjects that are learning; science, health, math. If we are studying trapping, for instance, we could have students go out with their fathers (which some already do) and take pictures, record what is being done, document who used that area before them (it goes way back,) learn how to say names of the places, animals, equipment, beaver-nogha aa. There are so many ways to make assignments more interesting. The bonus would be if anything was caught and the tradition would then include sharing, learning firsthand how to be thankful, and even blessing (giving thanks) the land and what was given to us. I love our old ways and for the classroom it would give the students the opportunity to read/write and be interesting as well as perpetuate some of our cultural beliefs.

1 comment:

skipvia said...

Jessie, you have done a much better job that I have done in terms of explaining the essence of the "sense of place" projects that we are doing. Capturing traditions for future generations (and for current generations who do not live here) is what it's all about. Thank you.