Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Digital movie

Here is a look at my family and home. I just realized that I didn't put any of our second son, Edward. He lives in Anch w/his family. This project was so much fun to do and I was scared to do it. My problem is slow internet or none at all. I've had more problems in the history of the www. GCI should be sending my equipment soon, I hope. I would love to sit in my own home (with the plump little granddaughter) and be able to participate in class at the same time. Aside from all the griping I would say that my comfort level w/this class has been raised a couple of levels since I did those silly software reviews (which I plan on redoing some day.)

1 comment:

Jessica W said...

I was able to see it. Great Job! Beautiful family, the only this is that the words are always over thier faces so I had a hard time seeing them...
But I am glad you figured it out and were able to post it!