Monday, October 13, 2008

pp assignment

I have never done a powerpoint presentation by myself in my life. Why? Because for the first 40 years of my life on Earth, there was no opportunity to make one, now I’m given the grand occasion to create one. In retrospect, I think very few can fail with the instructions given by the esteemed Mr. Skip Via. I say very few, and Jessie David is one of them. Before I begin my take on this assignment, let me explain a few things about myself. I don’t know why, but I always manage to do things the hard way. People can listen to 20 directives that are part of an assignment and just do it. I get lost on about the second direction. But I don’t give up. It would help if I lived closer to one of my classmates. I would be getting an “A” if I lived in the same community as, say, Alice, 2 Jessica’s, Becca, Crystal, and any one of them. Instead old Jessie is left completely dumbfounded and stumbles blindly about most of the time. So, when the explanation about “updating quicktime” happened, it went in and out of my big (and apparently useless)ears. So I found, through trial and error, of course, that we must have a computer that works to download the latest version of Quicktime. It took 1 hour to do that at my office and ½ hour to save it on my jumpdrive and when it came time to view the files, it still couldn’t work. Near tears, I then completely alienated myself from tribal staff and unhooked the only computer that works in our tribal office and hooked mine up and downloaded this stuff. After all this, I can now view any of Skip’s instructional files. How great that would be if I understood him the first time he said it. Alas, it would’ve taken me ten minutes to finish the project if I had computer savvy, like all of you. Anyway, I had a blast doing it and next time our council or school needs someone to set up a slideshow they will have the expert of Microsoft Office Excel at their service (I hope none of you question why the schedule shows only 3 days of the week and overlook the part where there is an extra row on the bottom. I know now that I could have easily corrected that by dragging over each corner to the exact spot I wanted it, which was 6 not 5 columns over and 5 rows not 6.) I also did not make a chart, for the simple reason that this type cannot be charted. I really wanted to make a chart that I will use to hang up on the door someday. I should have done one about the bakesale our church had. Here is the data:
Cake 4
Pies 8
Bread 10
Muffins 6
Cookies 5 (batches)
Now I would have been able to employ the chart
wizard with that info!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Don't you worry about it Jessie. If not for my tech savy husband I would have had a much more difficult time getting this project done. I wish I lived near you so we could work on things together too.